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MiniMap ​

Installation ​

yarn add @vue-flow/minimap
# or
npm install @vue-flow/minimap

Usage ​

To use the minimap simply pass the MiniMap component as a child to the VueFlow component.


Make sure you also import the styles as these are not part of the default theme anymore.

<script setup>
import { VueFlow } from '@vue-flow/core'
import { MiniMap } from '@vue-flow/minimap'

// import default minimap styles
import '@vue-flow/minimap/dist/style.css'

    <MiniMap />

Interactive MiniMap ​

The minimap can be made interactive by using the pannable and zoomable props.

    <MiniMap pannable zoomable />

When enabled, these props allow you to pan on drag and zoom on scroll using the MiniMap.

Props ​

nodeColorNode(s) Background colorstring, MiniMapNodeFunctrue#fff
nodeStrokeColorBorder colorstring, MiniMapNodeFunctrue#555
nodeClassNameExtra classesstring, MiniMapNodeFunctrue-
nodeBorderRadiusBorder radiusnumbertrue5
nodeStrokeWidthStroke widthnumbertrue2
maskColorMinimap Background colorstringtruergb(240, 242, 243, 0.7)
pannableUse Minimap to pan on dragbooleantruefalse
zoomableUse Minimap to zoom on wheelbooleantruefalse

Slots ​

node-${node.type}MiniMap Node slotMiniMapNodePropsMiniMapNode

Released under the MIT License.