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Controls ​

The control panel contains a zoom-in, zoom-out, fit-view and a lock/unlock button.

Installation ​

yarn add @vue-flow/controls

# or
npm install @vue-flow/controls

Usage ​

To use the controls simply pass the Controls component as a child to the VueFlow component.


Make sure you also import the styles as these are not part of the default theme anymore.

<script setup>
import { VueFlow } from '@vue-flow/core'
import { Controls } from '@vue-flow/controls'

// import default controls styles
import '@vue-flow/controls/dist/style.css'

    <Controls />

Props ​

showZoomShow zoom btnbooleantruetrue
showFitViewShow fit-view btnbooleantruetrue
showInteractiveShow lock interactive btnbooleantruetrue
showZoomShow zoom buttonbooleantruetrue
fitViewParamsParams to use on fit-view button clickFitViewParamstrue-

Emits ​

zoom-inZoom-in btn clicked
zoom-outZoom-out btn clicked
fit-viewFit-view btn clicked
interaction-changeInteraction locked/unlocked

Slots ​

Control Buttons ​

topSlot above default buttons
control-zoom-inZoom-in btn
control-zoom-outZoom-out btn
control-fit-viewFit-view btn
control-interactiveInteraction btn
defaultSlot below default buttons

Icons ​

icon-zoom-inZoom-in icon
icon-zoom-outZoom-out icon
icon-fit-viewFit-view icon
icon-lockInteraction locked icon
icon-unlockInteraction unlocked icon

Released under the MIT License.