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Interface: BackgroundProps ​

Table of contents ​

Properties ​

Properties ​

bgColor ​

• Optional bgColor: string


  • will be removed in the next major version. You can assign a bg color to <VueFlow /> directly instead. Background color

color ​

• Optional color: string

Background pattern color

gap ​

• Optional gap: number | number[]

Background pattern gap

height ​

• Optional height: number


Background height

id ​

• Optional id: string

lineWidth ​

• Optional lineWidth: number

offset ​

• Optional offset: number

Background offset

patternColor ​

• Optional patternColor: string


  • will be removed in the next major version. Use color instead Background pattern color

size ​

• Optional size: number

Background pattern size

variant ​

• Optional variant: "lines" | "dots" | BackgroundVariant

The background pattern variant

width ​

• Optional width: number


Background width

x ​

• Optional x: number

Background x-coordinate (offset x)

y ​

• Optional y: number

Background y-coordinate (offset y)

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